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Image by Noah Silliman


Image Transformation Therapy works where other approaches fall short

You can eliminate traumatic memories, disruptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a way that is different from other therapy modalities.


You can get to the root causes of psychological problems faster.

You don’t have to relive the experience, feelings, or visions.

Results often seem magical and are often noticed in just one session.

Life-changing outcomes are possible even after years of trying other treatments and therapy.

Image by Carlos Kenobi


The goal of ImTT is to eliminate the root causes of negative feelings and dysfunctional behaviors. 

No behavioral management is needed because behaviors will change when the root causes are no longer there.  

Treatment for Traumatic Memories

A traumatic memory is a memory that becomes vivid when you allow yourself to think about it. You can see it like it was, feel it like it was, and hear it like it was. Because most people avoid thinking about traumatic events, they are unaware of the impact of traumatic memories on their lives. Yet traumatic memories can play a major role in anxiety, depression, and many other issues.


ImTT eliminates the feelings and the vividness of the memory without having to re-experience the event. 


A successful ImTT treatment results in the traumatic memory of the event decreasing to the same level of intensity as the memory of what you had for dinner the previous week.

Traumatic Memories

Gently process traumatic memories without having to re-experience the trauma.

Girl sitting and holding head with left hand

Emotional Neglect

Unmet childhood needs create patterns carried into adulthood. Release what causes you to feel unfulfilled emotionally and undo the sense of neediness.

Yellow flower on floor in dimly lit room
Treatment for Emotional Neglect

Emotional neglect occurs when a need the child has goes unfulfilled consistently. Nothing happened when something should have happened.


For example: a child needed comforting but was ignored—in other words, nothing happened.  Because “nothing happened,” there is usually no memory of what did not happen; however, the impact of emotional neglect can be severe. 


Carried into adulthood, the impact of emotional neglect often results in codependence, inappropriate status seeking, addictions, and difficulty establishing healthy relationships.


A successful ImTT treatment results in a person no longer trying, as an adult, to make up for what they did not get in childhood.

Crisis Management

Get relief from suicidal thoughts, intense anxiety, and severe depression–any of which can be quickly reduced.

Blurry face of man screaming
Treatment for Crisis Management

Suicidal ideations occur when a person feels intense emotional pain, anxiety, or depression. People don't really want to kill themselves — they just want out of pain.


ImTT can quickly reduce the intensity of these feelings resulting in immediate relief of pain, anxiety, or depression.


A successful ImTT treatment results in the person no longer being in crisis. Then the underlying cause of the crisis can be addressed.

Treatment for Children

Children as young as 5 years old can easily release negative feelings and images and improve behavior.

Little boy laughing while playing with sprinklers
Treatment for Children

Angry, acting-out behavior, the difficulties of going through traumatic events such as divorce, being bullied, abused, and/or neglected can be effectively treated with a modified form of ImTT.


Children have limited ability to express and understand their feelings. With ImTT, they have fun doing the visualizations and learning how to use their minds to release “bad” memories and “icky” feelings.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Release traumatic images and feelings that cause OCD behaviors without direct behavior management.

Ceiling with rows of lightbulbs
Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCD behaviors are adaptive survival behaviors to avoid feelings from traumatic experiences. These survival behaviors include magical thinking such as counting or lining up of items to feel safe:


“If I line up everything just right, I’ll be safe.”


ImTT releases the underlying causes of OCD instead of managing the behavior. The focus is on releasing the traumatic images and feelings motivating the OCD behaviors.


In successful ImTT treatment, a person will no longer rely on OCD behaviors to avoid feelings and memories.

Behavioral Addictions

Eliminate behavioral addictions – such as sex, shopping, or gambling – with ImTT.

Pair of red dice
Treatment for Behavioral Addictions

Conventional wisdom is that the treatment of compulsive behaviors such as a sex or gambling addictions takes a long time—years.


People struggle trying to manage their behaviors because the underlying psychological motivation has not been addressed.


ImTT targets those underlying motivations by breaking the fixated linkage between the feeling and the behavior. Once the fixation is broken, a person is no longer interested in doing the behavior—immediately.

In a successful ImTT treatment, most behavioral addictions can be eliminated within a few sessions.

Substance Addictions

Avoid relapse by eliminating the psychological dynamics that make staying clean and sober difficult.

Two hands holding beer bottles and cheersing
Treatment for Substance Addictions

People often relapse on substance addictions because of negative feelings and memories caused by traumatic events and emotional neglect. Feeling of depression and anxiety make it difficult for people to stay clean and sober.


A successful ImTT treatment helps prevent relapse by addressing those powerful feelings that prevent a person from living the functional life they want to live. 


No matter the form of anxiety – generalized social anxiety, and panic attacks, built-up feelings can prevent progress. By releasing the feelings, you can address the root cause faster.

Ominous cloudy sky
Treatment for Anxiety

The root causes of the different forms of anxiety include traumatic memories and emotional neglect. Techniques such as meditation, breathing, and exercise can only manage the anxiety of the moment—so it won’t have a lasting effect.


ImTT’s effective traumatic memory treatment and treatment of emotional neglect can eliminate the root cause of anxiety and provide lasting needed relief.


Successful ImTT treatment results in eliminating the cause of the anxiety.


Quickly release the pain of depression, the feeling of heaviness and darkness that have built up over years.

Person sitting and staring out a window
Treatment for Depression

When a person has lived with depression a long time, the pain and heaviness can build up so that daily living is like slogging through a mud bog. 


There are two phases to ImTT treatment for depression. The first step is to release the pain and heaviness of depression and provide immediate relief.  In the second phase, the root causes of the depression are treated by eliminating traumatic memories and the sensations of emptiness and not-existing caused by emotional neglect.


Successful ImTT treatment eliminates the depression and sadness which has been preventing a person’s natural emotional flow from emerging.

Autism Management

Calm the feelings of being overstimulated, overwhelmed, and anxiety and become more focused.

Jumbled assortment of puzzle pieces
Treatment for Autism

Due to the slow processing of information, people with Autism are more easily overstimulated leading to feeling overwhelmed.  The anxiety and overstimulation caused by social interactions, loud noises, or crowds build up in the body making situations even more difficult.


ImTT can reduce the built-up overstimulation that increases anxiety.


Successful ImTT treatment reduces anxiety in social situations and helps a person with Autism remain focused and less stressed.

Why manage behaviors when you can eliminate them?

Start living life the way you want to live.

Bearded man facing up and meditating

“The expansive and yet precise model of how to effectively and permanently treat a large variety of negative emotions, sensations and embedded feelings is completely cutting - edge.”


- Cynthia Winn, LMFT

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