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Become An ImTT Therapist

Learn how to bring out the best in your clients and give them hope that there is a better way to overcome tough emotional challenges.

Even in one session, individuals can gain confidence that this treatment will work for them.

Man covering face with his hands

Your clients want change now. 

They want to change how they feel and change the behaviors that are messing up their life. Managing behaviors is always difficult. We’ve all seen clients hit a roadblock were they feel stuck and can’t move past a certain point, even with the work you do.


Image Transformation Therapy clears that roadblock by eliminating the root cause of the dysfunctional behaviors and negative feelings.


No behavioral management is needed because behaviors will change when the root causes are no longer there.  Sometimes the change is so gentle that the person is so unaware that they are no longer doing the behavior and being affected by a memory the transformation goes unnoticed until asked about it.

If you are a mental health practitioner, in a field that serves to protect others or a leader in a corporate workplace and confronted with dysfunctional behaviors and negative feelings, this is for you.

Start your training today.


No one should have to hold on to trauma or live with overwhelming emotions.


Image Transformation Therapy Certification Program

Learn the unique protocols and new ways of conceptualizing psychological dynamics that make possible a real revolution in the psychological treatment of traumatic memories, anxiety, depression, OCD, behavioral and substance addictions.

Start your training today.

Where other approaches fall short, Image Transformation Therapy leads to breakthroughs.

Training in ImTT has a gentle learning curve. 

 The protocols are easy to learn with scripts provided for different psychological issues.

After the first workshop, you’ll be able to make a significant difference in your clients’ lives.

New psychological concepts make therapy easier and more effective.

You can get to the root causes of psychological problems faster.

Your clients don’t have to relive the feelings or memories of the events.

Life-changing outcomes are possible even after years of trying other types of therapy.

Female Lecturer

Easily integrate the treatment into your practice after the first lesson or workshop. 

Treatments are accomplished by using variations of only two protocols: The Feeling Release Protocol and The Image De-Construction Protocol. The protocols incorporate breathing-visualization techniques that allow feelings and memories stored in the mind and body to be released in a gentle manner.

You can begin using these protocols effectively in therapy immediately after the first workshop.

Your clients will be able to easily follow these protocols because they are based on breathing and visualization.

You’ll have different scripts to address different psychological issues, making it easy for you to begin processing even intense feelings and memories from day 1.

Using new psychological concepts, you’ll be able to identify targets for treatment that make an immediate difference in how your clients think and feel.

Start your training today.

What you’ll learn

Training is flexible and accessible. You can learn in the comfort of your home or workplace using the on-demand training and books, or enroll in a LIVE workshop. Both individual and group consultations are available.

Become more proficient at eliminating your client’s dysfunctional behaviors and helping them live a life of effectiveness and agency.




Module 1 

ImTT Basic Training

You’ll learn the two main protocols of ImTT and watch videos of these protocols  in action.  In addition, you’ll learn how to identify targets for release for therapy using a new model of psychological dynamics—making therapy easier for both client and therapist.


Once the workshop is completed, you’ll be able to immediately use what you have learned to:

  • Release intense feelings such as pain, terror, guilt and shame

  • Eliminate traumatic memories

  • Free up clients from shock and freezing reactions




Module 2 

Advanced ImTT Training

You’ll learn advanced protocols for working with trauma from abuse and memories that are dissociated. In addition, you’ll learn to release the feelings and the resulting behaviors resulting from emotional neglect and boundary violations.  The workshop also focuses on the treatment of anxiety issues including GAD, and phobias.


Once you complete this module you will be able to:


  • Even more effectively clear traumatic memories

  • Process dissociated memories

  • Manage suicidal feelings more effectively

  • Eliminate rage and hate

  • Reduce anxiety and phobias

  • Eliminate negative cognitions




Module 3

Feeling-State Image Protocol Training

You’ll learn how to identify and break the link between a positive feeling and a behavior or substance motivating addictive and compulsive behavior.  


Once you complete this module you will be able to:


  • Break the link between the positive feeling and the behavior or substance

  • Eliminate behavioral compulsions such as sex and gambling compulsions

  • Reduce relapse for substance addictions

  • Eliminate codependent behavior maintaining dysfunctional relationships

  • Eliminate or reduce dysfunctional anger behaviors


Stack of books

Individual and Group Consultation

Groups begin every 3 months.


After completing the Basic Training, you can join the group consultations to help you master ImTT. You will receive an email notification when a new group will begin.


Bring your questions and cases!

Zoom session on laptop

Prefer to join a LIVE Workshop?

Because of the pandemic, most live workshops will be online. The workshops will include both a live presentation and practicums with other therapists. Previous experience is not required.

ImTT Certification is available ONLY for therapists with a mental health license,  supervised internship, or registered nurse.

Certification exam



Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there a required prerequisite to attending Module# 1?

Anyone can take the on-demand ImTT workshops. However, if you want training and/or certification, a mental health license or internship is required. A mental health license or mental health internship is necessary for participating in the live workshops.

Q. When can I participate in the consultation groups?

After Module 1 has been completed. Watch your inbox for notification.

Q. Do you offer individual consultation?

Yes.  Contact me with your interest and availability.

Q.  Do I need to buy a book before taking the first workshop?

Yes.  The Image Transformation Therapy Scripts for Therapists book is necessary for using what you’ve learned when you clients. 

Q. Can I download the Powerpoint presentation?

The Powerpoint can be downloaded after opening the first module.

Q. Is there a cancellation or refund policy?

There is a “no refund” policy for on-demand workshops.  For live workshops, the refund policy is stated in the registration.

Q. Do you offer scholarships?


Want to discover more about Image Transformation Therapy?


If you didn’t get all the information you need or want to learn more about The Image Transformation Therapy, I invite you to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

How to become‌ certified in ImTT


Start with Module 1:  Basic Training.  



It’s the best way to learn the basics of ImTT. 


Two ways to learn: Attend the LIVE Workshop or get started today with the on-demand training.


Once you complete Module 1:  Basic Training,  join Individual and Group Consultations.


Complete Module 2: 

Advanced ImTT Training


- And - 


Module 3: Feeling

-State Image Protocol Training


Continue with the groups


Requirements for certification:

All 3 workshops

20 hrs group consultation

10 hrs individual consultation

Take your certification exam.


Celebrate your success.

Choose how you want to start your training.

Image by Karson

Better results, faster with a protocol so gentle your clients will often be unaware that they are no longer doing the behavior or being affected by a memory.

The transformation goes unnoticed until asked about it.

Natalie Zemaitis

"I never cease to be impressed with ImTT and Dr. Robert Miller's insights on how to help people heal emotionally and change behaviorally. I now lead with ImTT because of how quickly it works and gentle it is for clients to create change. It’s humbling to see decades of distress and dysfunction resolve, sometimes in one session. It makes clinical work such a rewarding experience for client and practitioner."

Natalie Zemaitis, LCSW

Cynthia Wynn, LMFT

“ In my clinical opinion (of 31 years!) It is clear that ImTT has gone beyond the principles and protocols of our beloved EMDR. Dr. Miller's expansive and yet precise model of how to effectively and permanently treat a large variety of negative emotions, sensations and embedded feelings is completely cutting-edge…  The psychological transformation work in the office is gentle and compassionate - allowing the patient to release patterns that have caused so much pain and terror.” 

Cynthia Wynn

Innovative Research Matters

You can take part in ImTT’s research and help charter changes in Psychotherapy

Girl laying in bed with hands covering face

Active Study

Do you or someone you know have nightmares, flashbacks, hyper-vigilance, or avoidance issues linked to a specific event?

If so, you may be eligible for free psychological therapy as part of a research study of Image Transformation Therapy.

Two red dice and a deck of playing cards

Complete Research

Treatment of Behavioral Addictions Utilizing the Feeling-State Addiction Protocol

The study focused on the effectiveness of the Feeling-State Addiction Protocol with subjects with multiple behavioral addictions.

Case Studies

Collection of case study featured images

Working with Children: Holly, Age 8

Holly is an 8 year-old girl who is terrified to go to the dentist.

Collection of case study featured images

Working with Children: Sara, Age 6

Sara is an 6 year-old girl who has developed a fear of bowel movements.

Collection of case study featured images

A Gambler's Story

I started gambling when I was 8 years old.

Collection of case study featured images

A Sex Addict’s Story

After 20 years of struggle, finally my sexual compulsion met its match: Dr. Miller's therapy.

Wouldn’t it be transformative and liberating to show your clients that the therapy treatment you are providing is going to help make those changes they want, happen sooner rather than much later?   

 – With ImTT fast, effective change is possible.

Scott Kempschaefer, LCSW-C, LCSW-S

“I continue to marvel at how my clients progress in their treatment goals by using ImTT, especially with regard to crisis management. I was very tickled to hear one client's account of how she has been able to take care of dental hygiene correctly for the first time as an adult after traumatic incidents from childhood prevented her from doing so. She was so thrilled about being able to do this even before we completely finished processing the entire sequence! It also appears to be my younger clients that get better results faster than older ones, and I can only speculate as to why at this point.” 

Scott Kempschaefer

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FREE! Audios for individuals and therapists.

By following the easy breathing/visualization, you can release intense feelings of emotional pain and terror, as well as debilitating shock and freezing reactions.

Audios are currently only available in English.


without the client having to relive the experience.

don't just manage behavior.


made easier and more effective.

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